
How to Create Effective Online Advertising ?

  Online Advertising How to Create Effective Online Advertising? Online advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams. With so many options available – from PPC and paid social to online display advertising and in-app ads – online advertising can be intimidating to newcomers, but it doesn’t have to be. 7searchppc makes online advertising easy, and we’ve helped thousands of businesses grow by leveraging the power of paid search and paid social advertising. Online Advertising: Paid Search When you think of online advertising, the chances are pretty good that you’re thinking of paid search advertising. Paid search – also known as pay-per-click advertising , or PPC – is one of the most common and effective types of online advertising. Online advertising Google AdWords illustration Paid search allows you to bid on relevant terms and phrases that may cause text-based ads to be dis...

The Who, What, Why, & How of Digital Marketing?

Types of Digital Marketing Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) Content Marketing Social Media Marketing Pay Per Click (PPC) Affiliate Marketing Native Advertising Marketing Automation Email Marketing Online PR Inbound Marketing Sponsored Content Here's a quick rundown of some of the most common digital marketing tactics and the channels involved in each one. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) This is the process of optimizing your website to "rank" higher in search engine results pages, thereby increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic your website receives . The channels that benefit from SEO include websites, blogs, and infographics. There are a number of ways to approach SEO in order to generate qualified traffic to your website. These include: On page SEO: This type of SEO focuses on all of the content that exists "on the page" when looking at a website. By researching keywords for their search volume and intent (or meaning), you can answer questions ...

The Who, What, Why, & How of Digital Marketing ?

 What is digital marketing? Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. A seasoned inbound marketer might say inbound marketing and digital marketing are virtually the same thing, but there are some minor differences. And conversations with marketers and business owners in the U.S., U.K., Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, I've learned a lot about how those small differences are being observed across the world. What is the role of digital marketing to a company ? While traditional marketing might exist in print ads, phone communication, or physical marketing, digital marketing can occur electronically and online. This means that there are far more possibilities for brands to reach customers, including email, video, social media, and search engines . At this stage, digital market...

What Is Online Marketing?

 What Is Online Marketing ? Today, with nearly half the world's population wired to the internet, the ever-increasing connectivity has created global shifts in strategic thinking and positioning, disrupting industry after industry, sector after sector. Seemingly, with each passing day, some new technological tool emerges that revolutionizes our lives, further deepening and embedding our dependence on the world wide web. Online Marketing And why not? Human beings have always enthralled themselves into one pursuit after another, all with a means to an end of improving our lives. Clearly, the conveniences afforded by the internet are quite literally earth-shattering to say the least. Three decades ago, few could have ever imagined the present state of our on-demand-everything society, with the ability to instantly communicate and conduct business in real-time, at a pace that often seems dizzying at the best of times. 7searchppc However , with all of these so-called modern conveniences...

How to leverage mobile marketing for increasing sales during the holiday season?

 How to leverage mobile marketing for increasing sales during the holiday season? In a recent survey, Marketlive reports that almost 16 percent of the participants responded that they usually do all their online shopping via smartphones or tablets only. Provided further that according to the National Retail Federation (NRF) in the holiday consumer spending survey, more than fifty percent of buyers who have their smartphones or tablets use these devices to search and purchase holiday presents. While mobile apps, mobile commerce, and QR codes have been around for several holiday seasons, some retailers are still not availing the benefits of these critical marketing and sales tools--or are using them ineffectively. It may be costing a considerable loss to the business.   If you want to take the maximum benefits of smartphones , the following are a few pieces of advice that can improve your sales during this holiday season. Make your website mobile-friendly  Twenty-two per...

What is PPC ?

  What is PPC? Before diving into an explanation of how PPC works, it’s important to understand this type of advertising and how it fits into an overall successful marketing strategy. PPC stands for “pay-per-click”. This is a form of advertising in which you set a budget for your ads on a given platform, such as Google or Facebook, and then only pay for the clicks you receive. There are a variety of similar types of advertising, such as pay-per-impression or pay-per-view; all of these work on the premise that you pay only when the intended interaction—views, clicks, or impressions—occurs. Pay-per-click advertising can play an important role in your business’s broader online marketing campaign. It can be especially useful for specialized, time-sensitive campaigns, to directly address competitors, or to break into new geographic markets. However, PPC advertising can be far too expensive, time consuming and temporary, if used as the sole approach, for your online marketing presence...

What Is PPC & How Paid Search Marketing Works ?

  What Is PPC ? Pay-per-click (PPC) is an advertising model that lets marketers place ads on an ad platform and pay the host of that platform every time their ad is clicked The goal of a PPC ad is to lead the person viewing it to click through to the advertiser’s website or app, where that visitor can complete a valuable action, such as purchasing a product. Search engines are incredibly popular advertising platforms. They allow you to display ads that are relevant to what users are searching for. Advertising services like Google Ads and Bing Ads operate with real-time bidding (RTB), where advertising inventory is sold in a private automated auction using real-time data. How Paid Search Works : Every time there is an ad spot on a search engine results page (SERP), an instantaneous auction takes place for the keyword. A combination of multiple factors, including bid amount and the quality of the ad, decide the winner who will appear in the top spot of the SERP. These auctions are w...